Terms & conditions

Services provided by Find Phuket Jobs through the Site therein shall be available to Job Seekers or other users such as Advertisers. Access to and use of the contents and services provided on the Site shall be subject to the term and conditions which are set out below (“Terms and Conditions“) and the privacy statement (“Privacy Statement“). For further details about Find Phuket Jobs’ Privacy Statement, please click on this link.

If you do not accept either or both of the Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy Statement, please do not join, access, view, download or otherwise use any services offered by Find Phuket Jobs via the Site. By your continued use of the Site, you acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement and that you agree to be bound by all of its provisions. Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right to amend, add to, delete or revise the Privacy Statement and the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. You are advised to periodically review the Privacy Statement and the Terms and Conditions. Your access to the Site and Find Phuket Jobs’ services will be terminated upon your notice to Find Phuket Jobs that any change is unacceptable; otherwise your continued use shall constitute your acceptance of all changes and they shall be binding upon you.

The Site is NOT intended for children under 10 years of age and therefore, no person under 10 years of age may use or register on the Site, nor provide any data, including personal data, to Find Phuket Jobs.

For children whose age is at least 10 years old but less than 20 years old, or as otherwise regarded as a minor under the law of Thailand, you must represent and warrant that your parent or legal guardian has been duly informed of these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement, and agreed to the terms specified herein. You must further represent and warrant that you are responsible for obtaining valid consent from your parent or legal guardian (“Parental Consent”), where legally required, for the use of the Site. You shall be obligated to promptly provide evidence of Parental Consent to Find Phuket Jobs when requested. Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right to suspend or terminate your account if you failed to provide the evidence of Parental Consent within the time specified, with or without notice, and Find Phuket Jobs shall not be held liable nor responsible for such action.


a. In these Terms and Conditions, the following terms shall have the respective meanings specified below unless the context otherwise requires:

“Find Phuket Jobs” - Means Dream Machine Co., Ltd. Find Phuket Jobs is a trading name of Dream Machine Co., Ltd. and they are used interchangeably.

“FPJ” - Means Find Phuket Jobs.

“Site” - Means any website, job portal or mobile application owned and operated by Find Phuket Jobs and its affiliates/subsidiaries or its service providers.

“Advertiser” - Means a user who places a job advertisement or promotes any job-related activities via the Site.

“Job Seeker(s)” - Means users seeking employment.

b. The terms “you”, “user” and “users” herein refer to all individuals and/or entities accessing and/or using the Site at any time for any reason or purpose.


a. Specific Uses – Job Seeker

Job Seeker agrees that he/she shall only use the Site for lawful purposes and seeking employment.

Job Seeker agrees to keep his/her login name and password with care and not to disclose them to any other person. Job Seeker is solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality, safekeeping and security of such login name and password and shall notify Find Phuket Jobs immediately of any unauthorized use of the same.

Job Seeker confirms and acknowledges that he/she discloses his/her personal data to the Advertisers and/or Find Phuket Jobs of his/her own volition when he/she applies for available job vacancies posted on or through the Site, and/or when Job Seeker uses the Site for purposes of creating, submitting, uploading or posting his/her resume on the Site. By creating, submitting, uploading or posting his/her resume on the Site, Job Seeker authorizes Find Phuket Jobs to store his/her resume and information or data related thereto in the database of Find Phuket Jobs (“Database“). It is important to note that (i) where your Profile has been bought by an Advertiser who subscribed to our services ; (ii) when you have replied to a job invitation sent by an Advertiser through the Site; or (iii) when you have applied for jobs by submitting your profile and/or resume to an Advertiser through the Site, Find Phuket Jobs will store your Profile in our Advertiser’s Recruitment Centre (also known as “ARC”) on behalf of the respective Advertiser(s), at his/her own risk, unless and until he/she chooses to delete them. Job Seeker acknowledges and agrees that his/her resume and the related information or data may be accessed by the Advertisers who have subscribed to the services of Find Phuket Jobs for the sole purpose of recruiting and assessing the suitability of Job Seekers. Find Phuket Jobs also reserves the right to reject, disapprove or edit any part of the Job Seeker’s resume and information or data related thereto as it sees appropriate and to erase any personal data which Find Phuket Jobs reasonably believes that such information or data are inaccurate, false, illegal, unlawful, infringe copyright / trademark / trade name / trade secret or infringe any other intellectual property rights or invade the privacy of the other having regard to the purpose (including any directly related purpose) for which the data are or aren’t to be used.

Notwithstanding the above, please be noted that in the case of (i), (ii) or (iii), the relevant Advertiser may still retain your personal data on its own without the involvement of Find Phuket Jobs.

Job Seeker acknowledges and agrees to Find Phuket Jobs’ practice of charging Advertiser a fee for access to the Site, the Database and/or Job Seekers’ resumes, details and information or data related thereto for the sole purpose of recruiting and assessing the suitability of Job Seekers and subject to the terms herein. Job Seeker also recognizes that he/she shall have no claims to any such fee received by Find Phuket Jobs.

Find Phuket Jobs will not release Job Seeker’s personal data to any Advertiser without his/her permission unless required by any authorized institution or obliged under the prevailing laws and regulations. Job Seeker acknowledges and agrees that Find Phuket Jobs will, if he/she so authorizes, release his/her resume to Advertiser through the use of Find Phuket Jobs’ search engine or any other means for the sole purpose of enabling Advertiser to recruit and assess the suitability of Job Seekers in relation to any job vacancy. Job Seeker agrees that Find Phuket Jobs and its associated companies may use his/her personal data (without his/her name, address and other personally identifiable information) for marketing purposes which may be directed to either potential Advertisers, their respective agents or anyone under their employment.

Although Find Phuket Jobs shall use its reasonable endeavours to restrict access to the Database only to the Advertisers and personnel of Find Phuket Jobs, it does not guarantee that other parties will not, without Find Phuket Jobs’ consent, gain access to the Database. Job Seeker may disable searching or viewing of his/her resume by the Advertisers at any time. However, Job Seeker acknowledges that the Advertisers and other parties who have otherwise gained access to the Database may have retained a copy of Job Seeker’s resume. Find Phuket Jobs is not responsible for the retention, use or privacy of resumes in these instances, or for the use or privacy of resumes by any of such parties while the resumes are in the Database.

Find Phuket Jobs will not be responsible or held liable in any way if any Advertiser or other user, in breach of the Terms and Conditions, whether in Thailand or elsewhere, uses the Job Seeker’s personal data, information or materials for any purpose other than for recruiting potential employees. Job Seeker accepts that all personal data, information or materials given to Advertiser or other users, or submitted on or through the Site, are given entirely at his/her own risk.

b. Specific Uses – Advertiser

Advertiser agrees that it shall only use the Site for lawful purposes and promoting any job-related activities.

Upon payment of the service fee to Find Phuket Jobs or upon acceptance of any free trial promotion offer, Advertiser will be entitled to use the Site to advertise job vacancies and/or to create its own web page on the Site for a predetermined period following agreement of the predetermined service, save and except for free trial promotion offer. Subject to the conditions or requirements from time to time stipulated by Find Phuket Jobs regarding the access to Job Seeker’s information or data, Advertiser will be entitled to access the Database but agrees that all information or data obtained as a result of such access shall only be used for the sole purpose of recruiting and assessing the suitability of Job Seekers and that such information or data shall not be disclosed to any other parties without the prior consent of the Job Seeker concerned. Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that it shall disregard any information or data received from Job Seeker which is irrelevant to recruiting and assessing the suitability of Job Seekers.

Advertiser shall be solely responsible for the contents of and materials contained in its advertisement and/or web page posted on the Site. Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right to remove or edit, or require the removal or amendment of, any advertisement or web page as it sees appropriate, or to terminate or suspend the Advertiser’s access and use of the Site and/or services offered on or through the Site, in accordance with the agreement for such services between Advertiser and Find Phuket Jobs.

Find Phuket Jobs shall have the right to terminate any services offered to any Advertiser and to remove any advertisement and/or web page posted on the Site at Find Phuket Jobs’ sole discretion, without any compensation or recourse to Advertiser in the event that the relevant Advertiser or the contents of the relevant advertisement and/or web page is or are in breach of any of the provisions herein or any of the provisions in the Terms and Conditions of Sale or any Find Phuket Jobs Products’ specifications; whereas, in the event that Find Phuket Jobs decides to remove an advertisement or web page for any reasons not relating to any breach of the provisions herein or any of the provisions in the Terms and Conditions of Sale or any Find Phuket Jobs Products’ specifications, Find Phuket Jobs may after deducting the fees charged for the period that the advertisement or web page has been posted on the Site, refund the remaining fees (if any) to the relevant Advertiser.

From time to time Find Phuket Jobs may invest in marketing campaigns to promote your employer brand (including but not limited to Google ads, Yahoo – Bing ads, Facebook ads, Twitter ads, ad networks, Demand Side Platforms, Real-Time Bidding, retargeting and other programmatic buying strategies) and acknowledge that such promotion may be outside the domain of Find Phuket Jobs or its subsidiaries / affiliates.

Find Phuket Jobs also reserves the right to change the service fee or institute new charges or fees, from time to time, as it deems appropriate. In the event that any Advertiser fails to pay the service fee or any other fees or charges due to Find Phuket Jobs, Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Advertiser’s web page and/or advertisement and/or right to access the Database, without prejudice to all other rights and remedies available to Find Phuket Jobs.

c. Prohibited Uses – Users

Users agree(s) that: –

i. Job Seeker shall not post any non-resume-related information or data and/or incomplete, false or inaccurate resume-related information or data on the Site.

ii. Job Seeker shall not respond to any job vacancy advertisement for any reason other than to apply for the job advertised, and Advertiser shall not respond to any Job Seeker other than in connection with his/her application for a job. Any communications or use of the Site for any purposes other than recruitment purposes, including but not limited to soliciting donations or business for any reason, are strictly prohibited.

iii. All users shall not use the Site in any manner that infringes the intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of others.

iv. All users shall not print, download, duplicate, transmit or otherwise copy, reproduce, re-distribute, republish or use any personally identifiable information about other users save and except that the Advertisers may use the Database and/or Job Seekers’ resumes and the information or data related thereto pursuant to Clause 1.b. as above. All unsolicited communications of any type to users are strictly prohibited.

v. All users shall not delete, revise or remove any material posted by any other person or entity.

vi. All users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Site including, without limitation, accessing data not intended for them or logging into a server or account which they are not authorized to access, attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or attempting to breach security or authentication measures without proper authorization, attempting to interfere with service to any user, host or network or sending unsolicited e-mails, including promotions and/or advertisements for products or services. Violations of system or network security may result in civil and/or criminal liabilities.

vii. All users shall not upload, post, publish, transmit, distribute, circulate or store any material in whatsoever way relating to the Site (i) in violation of any applicable laws or regulations; (ii) in any manner that may infringe the copyright, trademark, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of others or violate the privacy or publicity or other personal rights of others; (iii) that is harmful, defamatory, libelous, obscene, discriminatory, harassing, threatening, abusive, hateful, racist, blasphemous, false, illegal, improper or is otherwise offensive or objectionable; (iv) in the manner that causes unrest in politics, religion, national security or stability of Find Phuket Jobs; or (v) that contains viruses, trojan horses, worms, corrupted files or other materials or programs that may interrupt, damage or limit the functionality and operation of the Site, the services offered on the Site, or of any computer software or hardware or telecommunication equipment.

viii. All users are prohibited from using screen scraping, data mining, robots or similar data gathering and extraction tools on the Site for establishing, maintaining, advancing or reproducing information contained on our Site on your own website or in any other publication, except with our prior written consent.


Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right to monitor the Site and its contents at any time, but is not obliged to do so. Find Phuket Jobs takes no responsibility whatsoever for any material on the Site that is not posted by Find Phuket Jobs or is otherwise posted or modified by Find Phuket Jobs on behalf of a user. All users acknowledge and agree that they are fully responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any resume, information, data, advertisement, web page and/or material submitted by them to Find Phuket Jobs or that is otherwise posted by them on or through the Site. Find Phuket Jobs does not warrant that any resume, information, data, advertisement or web page will be viewed by any specific number of users or that it will be viewed by any specific user or result in the successful recruitment of personnel. Find Phuket Jobs shall not in any way be considered an agent of either Advertiser or Job Seeker with respect to any use of the Site. Find Phuket Jobs shall not be responsible in any way for any decision, for whatever reason, made by any party seeking or posting jobs on the Site, or of any party responding to or posting advertisements on the Site. WHILST FIND PHUKET JOBS HAS ENDEAVORED TO PROVIDE A QUALITY SERVICE TO ADVERTISERS AND JOB SEEKERS, IT DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SITE WILL OPERATE ERROR-FREE OR THAT THE SITE AND ITS SERVER ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL MECHANISMS, THAT ANY DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SITE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, TIMELY OR SECURE. IF USE OF THE SITE OR ITS CONTENTS RESULT IN THE NEED FOR SERVICING OR REPLACING EQUIPMENT OR DATA, BY ANY USER, FIND PHUKET JOBS SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THOSE COSTS AND ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF WHATEVER NATURE. THE SITE AND ITS CONTENTS ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, FIND PHUKET JOBS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THE FOREGOING, ANY WARRANTIES IN RESPECT OF MERCHANTABILITY, AVAILABILITY OF FEATURED PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ABOUT THE ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, COMPLETENESS, TIMELINESS OR OTHER QUALITIES OF THE SITE AND THE CONTENTS, SERVICES, SOFTWARE, TEXT, GRAPHICS AND LINKS CONTAINED THEREIN. USERS SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY ASSESS AND VERIFY THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS AND RELIABILITY OF THE INFORMATION ON THE SITE AND TO SEEK PROFESSIONAL ADVICE WHERE NECESSARY.


All contents of the Site, including without limitation, information, text, graphics, images, layout, designs, pictures, logos, editorial content, HTML and other proprietary materials on the Site (collectively “Contents“) are the intellectual property of Find Phuket Jobs or its licensors and are protected by copyright, trademark, patent and other intellectual property laws. Users acknowledge and agree that the Contents are made available solely for their personal non-commercial use. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, users shall not, and shall not procure, assist or facilitate any third party to, copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, disseminate, distribute, redistribute, broadcast, circulate, store (in any medium), display, modify, sell or transfer or participate in the sale or transfer of or offer for sale of, create derivative works from, or in any way exploit any of the Contents, whether in whole or in part. Users may download or copy the Contents solely for their personal non-commercial use and/or users that are expressly permitted in these Terms and Conditions, provided that users will not delete or amend any symbols or statements in the Contents that indicate the subsistence therein of copyright, trademark and any other proprietary rights. Users do not have any right, title or interest in or to any or any part of the Contents as a result of such downloading or copying. Find Phuket Jobs reserves all its rights of enforcement of all its intellectual property rights or proprietary rights in the Contents, including without limitation against any use of any of the Contents that is not expressly permitted under the Terms and Conditions. For the avoidance of doubt, any purported consent of any third parties (including Advertisers) to the use of the Contents or any part thereof shall not in any way exonerate the users from the restrictions/prohibitions imposed hereunder in whatsoever manner.


Promotions related to “Money-back guarantees” are provided in good faith, for first-time customers and for the period of the guarantee only, unless stated otherwise. For example, a first-time customer with a 60-day money-back guarantee may be eligible for a refund of their first 60 days of subscription plan fees but to no amount exceeding that amount or duration, or any additional costs they incurred in that or any other period.

Find Phuket Jobs reserves all rights to refuse a refund to any User, for any of its promotions, fully or partially, for any reason and without prior notice.

Find Phuket Jobs reserves all rights to refuse a discount to any User or prospect, for any of its promotions or otherwise, and to add, modify, or remove a discount, for any reason and without prior notice.


Proof of Business Ownership Requirement:
As a condition of using our services, the User acknowledge and agree that Find Phuket Jobs may, at our sole discretion, request proof of business ownership from the User. Such proof may include, but is not limited to, official business documents, tax identification numbers, licenses, permits, certificates of incorporation, or any other documentation as deemed necessary by FPJ.

Ownership Verification Process:
The method and criteria for determining ownership of the User's business will vary depending on the type and nature of the business. Find Phuket Jobs reserve the right to establish reasonable and appropriate methods to verify ownership, taking into consideration factors such as legal structure, industry practices, and available information.

By using our services, the User consent to cooperate fully in the ownership verification process, providing accurate and timely documentation as requested. Failure to comply with our verification process may result in business profile(s) being suspended or removed.

Find Phuket Jobs retain the exclusive right to remove any business profile(s) and associated job listing(s) from the Site, at the sole discretion of FPJ and without prior notice, for any reason outlined herein or otherwise.

Reasons for removal may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Violation of the terms of service or guidelines.
  2. Submission of fraudulent, misleading, or inaccurate information during the ownership verification process.
  3. Engagement in illegal, unethical, or prohibited activities.
  4. Repeated complaints from other Users or the community regarding the quality of products or services provided by the business.
  5. Failure to comply with legal regulations, licensing requirements, or industry standards.
  6. Engaging in activities that harm the reputation of Find Phuket Jobs or the Site or other businesses using FPJ's services.

Notice and Appeal:
In the event that Find Phuket Jobs decide to remove a User's business profile(s) and job listing(s), FPJ may provide the User with notice of the removal, along with the reasons for the decision but FPJ are under no obligation to provide either notice or information.

The User may appeal the removal decision by providing relevant information and documentation to support the their case. Find Phuket Jobs will review such appeals on a case-by-case basis and may reinstate some or all of the business profile(s) if the provided information demonstrates compliance with Find Phuket Jobs terms and guidelines.


ALL USERS USE THE SITE AND ANY OTHER WEBSITES ACCESSED THROUGH IT, ENTIRELY AT THEIR OWN RISK. All users shall be responsible for their own communications and are responsible for the consequences of their activities on the Site. Find Phuket Jobs does not represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy or reliability of any of the communications posted by other users or endorse any opinions expressed by users. Any reliance by users on any material posted by other users shall be at their own risk. Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right to expel any users and prevent their further access to the Site at any time for breaching the Terms and Conditions or violating the laws and regulations and also reserves the right to remove any material which is abusive, illegal, disruptive or inappropriate at Find Phuket Jobs’ sole discretion without notice and/or consent whatsoever.

All users accept that any Site, CV or personal data and information referenced throughout these Terms and Conditions may have been translated from other languages or generated or altered by Artificial intelligence (AI) by or on behalf of Find Phuket Jobs by third-party services, and that Find Phuket Jobs cannot guarantee accuracy and will not be held responsible for damaging or negligent information or inaccuracies of any kind or severity.


The Site may contain links to third-party websites. These are provided solely as a convenience to users and as Internet navigation tools, and not in any way as an endorsement by Find Phuket Jobs of the contents on such third-party websites. Unless otherwise stated on the Site, Find Phuket Jobs has no control over or rights in such third-party websites and is not responsible for their availability or security. If users access any linked third-party websites, they do so entirely at their own risk. Find Phuket Jobs shall not be responsible for the contents of any third-party websites linked to the Site or any links contained in such third-party websites or any changes or updates to the above, and does not make any representations or warranties regarding the contents or accuracy of materials on such third-party websites. Find Phuket Jobs shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising from or in connection with the use of the services or contents of such third-party websites. Further, any data or materials posted on the Site by any user may be viewed by users of other websites linked to the Site and Find Phuket Jobs shall not be responsible for any improper use by any user or third-party other than Find Phuket Jobs of any data or materials posted on the Site.


All users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Find Phuket Jobs and its associated companies, officers, directors, employees, agents, proprietors, partners, representatives, shareholders, servants, attorneys, predecessors, successors and assigns from and against any claims, actions, demands, injuries, liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and litigation expenses on a full indemnity basis) arising from or relating to users’ use of the Site or its contents or the users’ breach of the Terms and Conditions, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. This indemnification shall be in addition to all other obligations of users under the Terms and Conditions, and shall not prejudice any other rights or remedies available at law to Find Phuket Jobs.


Notwithstanding Find Phuket Jobs uses its best endeavours to provide impartial job-seeking and recruitment services, and represents a media supporting information exchanged between Advertisers and Job Seekers, Find Phuket Jobs will not be involved in dealings or disputes between Job Seeker and Advertiser and Find Phuket Jobs shall not be responsible or held liable for the quality, security and legitimacy of the recruitment service. Find Phuket Jobs does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of the information and/or the resume provided by Job Seeker or of the recruitment advertisements provided by Advertiser. Find Phuket Jobs does not guarantee that Advertiser will be able to pay the relevant remuneration or that Job Seeker will be competent to take the job offered by the Advertiser. Should any dispute arise between Advertiser and Job Seeker, Advertiser and Job Seeker shall resolve such disputes between themselves and Find Phuket Jobs shall not be responsible and held liable for any disputes thereof.


User’s communication or business dealings with, or participation in promotions organized by advertisers found on or through the Site, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between the user and such advertiser. Find Phuket Jobs shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any type or nature incurred as a result of any such dealings or as a result of the presence of the advertisers on the Site or as a result of the accuracy or truthfulness of any information or data posted by the advertisers.


Without prejudice to the above and subject to the applicable laws, the aggregate liability of Find Phuket Jobs to any user for all claims arising from or relating to his/her use of Find Phuket Jobs’s services and the Site shall be limited to the fees received by Find Phuket Jobs in respect of the services giving rise to such claims.


In the event that any information provided by the user is inaccurate, in breach of any laws or contains indecent elements, Find Phuket Jobs shall instantly abrogate the user’s account and membership without notice and reserves the right to take any action as it considers appropriate, desirable or necessary, including but not limited to taking legal action against such user. Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right at any time to immediately terminate or suspend any user’s account or access to the Site without notice, where Find Phuket Jobs is of the opinion that the user has breached any of the Terms and Conditions or violated any law or regulation, and to take further action as Find Phuket Jobs in its sole discretion considers appropriate, desirable or necessary, including removing any material which it deems abusive, illegal, disruptive or inappropriate. Find Phuket Jobs shall have the sole and absolute discretion to decide whether the user, Job Seeker or Advertiser has breached any of the Terms and Conditions, and such decision shall be final. In case Find Phuket Jobs has not exercised the right under this Clause, it shall not be deemed to be a waiver.


Find Phuket Jobs reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify, change, suspend, discontinue or restrict; (a) users’ access to, either temporarily or permanently, the Site (or any part thereof); or (b) the whole or any portion of this Site (and the services provided therein), with or without notice. Find Phuket Jobs shall not be liable to users or to any third party for any such modification, change, suspension, discontinuation or restriction.


Find Phuket Jobs will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that its officers, directors, employees, agents and/or contractors exercise their prudence and due diligence in handling the personal data submitted by Job Seeker and that access to and processing of the personal data by such persons is on a “need-to-know” and “need-to-use” basis. Find Phuket Jobs will use its reasonable endeavours to protect Job Seekers’ personal data against any unauthorized or accidental access, processing or erasure of the personal data.


The Terms and Conditions and any dispute or matter arising from or incidental to the use of the Site shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Thailand.

At Find Phuket Jobs’ sole discretion, any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Terms and Conditions including any question regarding its existence, validity, invalidity, breach or termination thereof, may be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Thai Arbitration Rule and Court as at present in force.


Without prejudice to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions limiting or disclaiming liability, Find Phuket Jobs is not liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly from causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, failure of the internet, power failure, failure of a computer, telecommunication or other equipment, strikes, labour disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortage of labour or materials, fires, floods, storms, explosions, act of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts and non-performance of third parties.


The Terms and Conditions shall constitute the entire agreement between the user and Find Phuket Jobs relating to his/her/its use of the Site, and shall replace and supersede all other communications (be it written or oral), discussions, letters and contracts relating to the subject matters hereof.


The provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall be enforceable independently of each other and the validity of each provision shall not be affected if any of the others is invalid. In the event that any provision or any part of a provision of the Terms and Conditions is determined to be or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions or remaining part of the provision of the Terms and Conditions shall not be affected and, in lieu of such illegal, invalid, or unenforceable provision or part of a provision, there shall be added as part of the Terms and Conditions one or more provisions as similar in terms as may be legal, valid and enforceable under the applicable law.


Find Phuket Jobs has taken every reasonable step to comply and will continue to comply with its obligations as a data processor arising from the data protection and privacy laws in force from time to time to the extent that those obligations are relevant to this Agreement. Further, we have taken steps to implement and shall maintain an information security program including reasonable administrative, technical and physical measures designed to secure and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all Confidential Information while in such party’s possession against unauthorized, unlawful or accidental access, disclosure, transfer, destruction, loss or alteration. The term Confidential Information will not, however, include any information that identifies to natural persons whether directly or indirectly (“Personal Data”). Each party will exercise commercially reasonable efforts not to disclose any Personal Data to the other party and to restrict the other party’s access to its Personal Data, but if a party is given access to the other party’s Personal Data, the receiving party will protect such Personal Data using a reasonable standard of care.


a. Find Phuket Jobs may vary these Terms at any time. If Find Phuket Jobs varies these Terms, it will provide notice by publishing the varied Terms on the Site.

b. You accept that by doing this, Find Phuket Jobs has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation to its Terms.


These Terms are made available in both Thai and English languages. However, due to limitations of the third-party translation service, in the event that there are discrepancies between the Thai and English versions, the User accepts that the English language version shall prevail unless considered unsuitable by a court of law.




Without prejudice to the above and subject to the applicable laws, the aggregate liability of Find Phuket Jobs to any user for all claims arising from or relating to his/her use of Find Phuket Jobs’s services and the Site shall be limited to the fees received by Find Phuket Jobs in respect of the services giving rise to such claims.

This policy was last updated and effective: 12 Aug 2023.